Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

MAC: Wait Patiently For Billing Glitch Resolution

CGS wants providers to pipe down about claims/adjustments suspending with reason codes E0419, V8029, V8030, V8031 and E46#V, it says in a recent message to providers.

As the HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor has explained on its FISS Claims Processing Issues web page, “a resolution is scheduled for implementation in April 2017,” it says. It’s true that the CGS claims department “has discovered a workaround that works to process some claims/ adjustments,” the MAC acknowledges. But the workaround isn’t always successful and “is an extensive manual process,” it points out.

“CGS is working through the volume of claims, based on the age of the claim/adjustment, as quickly as possible,” the MAC says. Meanwhile, “CGS advises home health providers to refrain from calling the PCC about this issue,” it says. “Once the April release has been implemented, CGS will update the claims processing web page accordingly,” the MAC adds.

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