Have you thought of contracting with a physician to make house calls to fulfill face-to-face requirements? Better think again, one HHH Medi-care Administrative Contractor says.
"Can a contract physician that does home visits do the face-to-face visit and notify the certifying physician of his/her findings?" a home health agency asked in NHIC’s April 25 Ask the Contrac-tor Teleconference (ACT).
"No, that would not be allowed," NHIC responds. "If the patient was recently hospitalized or had a stay in a skilled nursing facility (SNF), an encounter with a physician that occurred in one of those institutions can be used as a face-to-face encounter," the MAC explains in a question-and-answer set from the ACT posted on its website. "This is the only instance where a physician other than the certifying physician can notify the certifying physician of the findings of a face-to-face encounter," it says.