Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

LTC Insurance Program To Take Step Closer To Imple-mentation

Expect some changes to the CLASS Act program that may help it to actually launch -- and put patients on your rolls.

The Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act is supposed to be a voluntary longterm care insurance program for seniors and the disabled.

It's aimed at keeping seniors out of nursing homes and in their own homes to receive long-term care. But the program has yet to be launched.

That may change, Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee recently told reporters. HHS expects to issue a proposed rule in October that will modify the CLASS program to make it more feasible, according to news reports. Greenlee is the Administrator of CLASS, which was passed in the 2010 Affordable Care Act health care reform law.

The changes will aim to make the program more financially self-sustaining. Among the modifications expected in the rule are more anti-fraud protections, increased minimum income requirements, and indexing premiums for inflation.

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