Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Louisiana HHA Faces Poor Wound Care Accusations

Are you doing all you can to minimize patient lawsuits? One home health agency in Louisiana may be asking itself that question.

A former patient of Apex Home Health, A Division of Southeast Louisiana Home Health Inc., is suing the agency in state court, reports the Louisiana Record. After a hospital discharge, Apex provided wound care for patient Mildred Robin, says the suit filed by her husband. After Robin be-gan running a fever and her wound started emitting a strong foul odor, she was readmitted to the hospital, which said a piece of dirty gauze had been left in her wound. The plaintiff alleges his wife had to un-dergo three surgeries to remove the gauze and in-fected tissue, the newspaper reports.

The suit accuses the HHA of failing to render proper care, negligently providing wound care, failing to account for the number of gauze placed in the wound, failing to properly chart, failing to properly monitor the patient’s condition, negligently causing more surgeries to be performed and causing a lapse in recovery. The plaintiff seeks an unspecified amount in damages.

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