Get more details about the new Medicare Cost Report E-Filing (MCReF) system, which will accept electronic signatures, in a MLN Matters article released May 2. How it will work: "Providers will be able to ... upload all corresponding MCR materials as attachments, and submit the documents directly to their MAC," CMS explains in MM 10611." The system will perform a basic review of the attached materials to determine if the MCR is 'receivable'... [and] if issues are identified, the provider will immediately receive an error/warning message. If no issues are identified, the provider will receive a confirmation number, as well as an electronic postmark date, which can be used in correspondence regarding the submission." Timeline: "Once the cost report is deemed 'receivable,' the MAC will perform the acceptability review within 30 days," CMS says. "The MAC will issue a rejection letter if the cost report is rejected" says the article at