You may have noticed sluggish payments this month, but that’s tough cookies, one MAC is telling providers.
"Implementation of additional edits at the Common Working File (CWF) to ensure proper claims payment, and the CWF ‘Dark’ days that occurred on March 29, and March 30, 2013, has contributed to additional claims processing time for all billing transactions," acknowledges HHH MAC CGS on its website.
But Medicare regulations say that contractors have 30 days to process clean claims, the MAC maintains. "While the typical timeframe to process claims is less than this, contractors have the full 30 days from the receipt date of a clean claim to process it," it adds.
Certain claims don’t even have those minimum standards, CGS points out. "Home health Requests for Anticipated Payment (RAPs) and hospice Notice of Elections (NOEs) are not considered claims and thus, there is no specified timeframe for processing them."