Don't risk HIPAA violations when you're trying to get help with your Medicare claims. You shouldn't submit any protected health information (PHI) for beneficiaries when contacting your HHH MAC via e-mail, reminds contractor National Government Services in a new post on its website. NGS can't accept e-mail inquiries that include beneficiary- or claim-specific information due to PHI Internet security policy requirements, it says. When sending a request, make sure it does not include Medicare numbers, Social Security Num-bers, personal/beneficiary medical information, and confidential information, NGS reminds providers. And don't think you're safe if you're using a MAC's online form. "This policy also applies to providers submitting inquiries via the Customer Care Online Inquiry Form and the Electronic Data Interchange Help Desk E-mail Inquiry Form on the National Government Services Web site," NGS cautions in the message.