Hospices aren't immune from the feds' crackdown on Medicare fraudsters. Matthew Kol-odesh, owner of Home Care Hospice Inc. in Phila-delphia, faces fraud charges for allegedly submitting $14.3 million in claims for patients not eligible for hospice or who didn't receive services, according to a release from the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
"Kolodesh also allegedly diverted $9.36 million dollars from HCH's operating account for his own personal use, such as extensive renovations to his house, travel expenses, college tuition for his son, and a luxury automobile," the AG notes. He siphoned the cash from HCH through kickbacks from vendors and sham charitable donations made in the name of the hospice, prosecutors charge.
Kolodesh also manipulated hospice cap figures by swapping patients with his other hospice business, Community Home Health in Bucks County, and ran a scam for a $2.5 million Philadel-phia Industrial Development Corporation loan, the indictment says.