You may have to consider some painful budget cutting to survive sequestration and the other cuts Medicare has in store for you.
For example: Hospice & Community Care in Lancaster, Pa. has closed one of its inpatient locations, resulting in a layoff of 19 workers, reports the Intelligencer Journal. The hospice will save about $800,000 annually with the consolidation, it estimates. That will offset the $1 million annual loss the hospice has seen due to sequestration and other Medicare changes.
The hospice’s location in Mt. Joy, the Bob Fryer & Family Inpatient Center, will open an unused third wing, raising the site’s number of inpatient beds in use from 16 to 24, according to the newspaper. The hospice has nearly 400 employees and more than 1,000 volunteers caring for 400 patients a day. The hospice has annual revenues of $30 million.