Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Home Care Providers Hit By ADRs From All Sides

If the blizzard of ADRs hitting the home care industry is confusing you, you aren’t alone.

Some Additional Development Requests include requests for the HHH Medicare Admini-strative Contractor "mixed in with ADRs for the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC), the Zone Pro-gram Integrity Contractor (ZPIC), and/or the Comp-rehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) contractor," points out MAC Palmetto GBA on its website. "Please review your … ADRs very closely. They can be confusing!"

Don’t face additional payment delays or denials because of paperwork mix-ups. "Please make sure you esMD, fax or mail your records to the correct contractor," Palmetto urges.

Reminder: "You cannot send ADR re-sponses to the RAC, ZPIC or CERT via the electron-ic submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) process," the MAC adds. "esMD only applies to requests that are solely responding to Palmetto GBA requests."

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