Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Half Of Docs Spend Less Than A Minute Reviewing 485

A new study by Johns Hopkins University researchers underscores what many home care providers have known for a long time - ordering physicians spend way less time on home care duties than they should.

The researchers surveyed a nationally random sample of physicians. "Of 1,005 respondents who provided patient care... (n)early half (47 percent) reported spending less than 1 minute reviewing the CMS-485 before certification, whereas 21 percent reported spending at least 2 minutes," according to the study published in the most recent issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Furthermore: "Physicians typically interacted with multiple [skilled home health care] agencies by fax or mail. Approximately 80 percent rarely or never changed an order on the CMS-485, and 78.3 percent rarely or never contacted SHHC clinicians with questions about information."

The study authors concluded that "the CMS-485 does not meaningfully engage physicians. Physicians spend little time reviewing or acting on the SHHC plan of care."

The researchers urged that "strategies to enhance meaningful communication between SHHC agencies and physicians are needed."

A link to the article and free abstract is at http://annals.org/aim.

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