Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

GAO Pushes For More Prior Authorization

Don’t count on Medicare seeing the error of its ways when it comes to preauthori­zation such as the Review Choice Demonstration. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is getting plenty of pressure from the outside to continue and even expand such programs.

For example: In a new report on “priority open recommendations,” the Government Account­ability Office urges CMS to “take steps, based on results from evaluations, to continue prior authori­zation. These steps could include: (1) resuming the paused home health services demonstration; (2) extending current demonstrations; or, (3) identifying new opportunities for expanding prior authori­zation to additional items and services with high unnecessary utilization and high improper payment rates.

The 35-page GAO report is at www.gao.gov/assets/700/698322.pdf.

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