Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Faxed PCR Requests Don't Receive Faxed Responses In These Cases

Shorten PCR turnaround by knowing the ropes.

If you fax a Pre-Claim Review request to Palmetto GBA and receive a rejection (not a nonaffirmation), you won’t find out for a while. That’s because the Medicare Administrative Contractor sends rejection and exclusion notification letters “hardcopy” (i.e., via mail) in those cases.

Changes to the system are in the works so that HHAs can receive a fax back for those notifications, “as long as a return fax number is clearly identified in the request,” Palmetto says in a questionand-answer posted to its website Sept. 12.

For affirmation or non-affirmation responses to faxed requests, Palmetto faxes the decision letters when the fax number is clearly identified.

The rest: PCR requests submitted via Palmetto’s online portal receive greenmail (electronic) responses; requests submitted via esMD receive mail responses; and requests submitted via mail receive mail responses, Palmetto explains.

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