Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Don't Forget Digits

Make sure you’re inputting your county code correctly on your RAPs and final claims, or the claims will bounce back — and slow your cash flow.

Reminder: Starting last month, home health agencies must input a new value code 85 and a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) State and County Code (see Eli’s HCW, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3).

Just entering the code isn’t enough, though. “When entering the FIPS State and County Code, the number would be keyed, followed by two zeros. For example, 19153 would be keyed as 1915300 or 19153.00,” says a statement released by all three HHH Medicare Administrative Contractors.

Consequences: “If the new codes are missing on rural HHAs’ RAPs, final claims (end of episode) and/or adjustments, they will be returned to the provider,” the message says. “If the new codes are missing for non-rural HHAs, the claim will process without them.”

Non-rural agencies shouldn’t consider the methodology a free pass, however. “Whether the Medicare Claim Processing system edits for billing requirements or not, proper billing is still a requirement,” the MACs stress.

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