A chunk of your pay rides on it.
If you’re not sure what counts — and what doesn’t — for Hospice Item Set submission compliance, a new CMS resource will help you figure it out.
Reminder: As of Jan. 1, your HIS submission stats will determine whether you receive a reimbursement reduction in 2018. Hospices will see a 2 percent cut if they don’t meet a 30-day submission deadline for 70 percent of eligible records (see Eli’s HCW, Vol. XXIV, No. 28).
“Hospice providers can verify successful submission and processing by viewing Final Validation reports,” CMS says in a notice.
When calculating your submission stats, CMS won’t count modification and inactivation records (A0050 = 2 or 3) or records for which a hospice got an extension or exemption, the agency reveals in a new HIS submission fact sheet at www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Hospice-Quality-Reporting/Downloads/Timeliness-Compliance-Threshold-Fact-Sheet_FINAL.pdf.
Watch for: “CMS is in the process of developing new CASPER Report(s) that providers can use to track the preliminary compliance with the timeliness compliance threshold for the HIS,” CMS pledges in the fact sheet.