Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

CMS Trains Docs On NPIs

If you're dealing with physicians who are stymieing your efforts to bill correctly, CMS is giving you a helping hand.

"When billing Medicare, Home Health Agencies (HHAs) must use the individual National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the physician who orders/refers services, not the NPI of the physician's group practice," CMS tells docs in a new listserv message. "If an HHA asks for your NPI, be sure to provide your individual NPI."

Physicians who don't know their individual NPI can look it up in CMS's NPI registry at https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/NPPESRegistry/NPIRegistry Home.do, CMS tells them.

If you need more help getting your physicians to comply with billing requirements, you can point them to a newly revised CMS fact sheet, "Medicare Enrollment Guidelines for Ordering/ Referring Providers."

"You need to ensure you have an NPI and a current Medicare enrollment record in Internet-based PECOS that includes your NPI," CMS tells physicians in the fact sheet at www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNProducts/downloads/MedEnroll_OrderReferProv_FactSheet_ICN906223.pdf. The fact sheet contains directions on applying for an NPI and enrolling in PECOS.

Watch out: CMS's educational efforts aimed at physicians likely presage its readiness to implement PECOS edits " edits of home health claims that will kick out claims that lack a physician with a valid NPI and PECOS record.

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