Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

CMS Issues Latest F2F Template Versions

Check out the latest versions of Medicare’s “clinical templates or suggested clinical data elements (CDEs) to assist with documenting the Plan of Care/Certification and face-to-face encounter to support the need for home health services.” The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services posted new versions July 9 and, at press time, planned to take feedback on them in a July 12 Special Open Door Forum.

Home health industry members have complained past templates are too long and complex.

See the CDEs and templates at www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Computer-Data-and-Systems/Electronic-Clinical-Templates/Other-Benefit-Templates/Other-Templates-home-health.html. CMS will post a transcript and recording of the call at www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Outreach/OpenDoorForums/PodcastAndTranscripts.html.

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