CMS is adding a new code to the consolidated billing list, under the Home Health Prospective Payment System provision, according to Palmetto. Effective for Jan. 1, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code A4435 (Ostomy pouch, drainable, high output, with extended wear barrier (one-piece system), with or without filter, each) is added to the HH consolidated billing supply code list.
Also, CMS is removing the phrase "pad size" from the following three codes on the supply code list:
ü A6021 (Collagen dressing, sterile, size 16 sq. in. or less, each)
ü A6022 (…size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each)
ü A6023 (…size more than 48 sq. in., each)
The official instruction in CR 8043 is at