Don’t overlook a common reason for claims denials, especially with cash flow so critical under the Patient-Driven Groupings Model.
“The actual Face-to-Face encounter visit must demonstrate that the encounter was related to the primary reason that the patient requires home health services,” stresses HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS. The Medicare Benefit Policy Manual spells out that “the Face-to-Face encounter must be related to the primary reason for homecare,” CGS says in a recent post on its website.
“Medical review examines the Face-to-Face encounter to ensure the clinical documentation corroborates the primary reason for home care,” CGS tells providers. “When reviewing Face-to-Face documentation think … ‘Does the Face-to-Face encounter visit clinical documentation support this?’” the MAC urges.
CGS points to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ explanation of this policy in MLN Matters Article SE1426. “The certifying physician’s and/or the acute/post-acute care facility’s medical record for the patient must contain the actual clinical note for the face-to-face encounter visit that demonstrates that the encounter … was related to the primary reason the patient requires home health services,” CMS says in the article at