Don’t try to use the clerical error reopening form if Palmetto GBA is your HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor. The MAC says it is no longer accepting it and will return it without processing.
Instead: “Providers are able to make adjustments to their claims via FISS Direct Data Entry (DDE) or through our PC ACE Pro 32 software, as long as they are attempting to make a change to a claim or claim line that has not been medically denied,” Palmetto explains in a new post on its website.
Do this: “If you have a situation where you cannot make an adjustment in either system, please submit a Redetermination Request Form and indicate on the form that you are requesting a clerical error reopening,” Palmetto instructs. While medical documentation is not needed for a clerical error reopening, “please reference the claim DCN number, date of service (DOS) and what needs to be changed on the claim that could not be changed as an adjustment and specify that the request is for a clerical error reopening,” the MAC adds.