It may be time to review your security procedures in light of a tragic crime against a home care nurse in New Orleans.
On Jan. 26, a New Orleans visiting nurse was abducted from her parked car at gunpoint and raped by multiple assailants, according to press reports. The nurse was reportedly on her cell phone when the perpetrator approached her and forced her to an abandoned home.
Home care nurses may have a tendency to sit in their cars after a visit, perhaps to complete documentation. "This puts you at risk," warns the HomeCare Association of Louisiana. "The predator may be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go."
Bottom line: "As soon as you get into your car, lock the doors and leave," HCLA urges.
For more visiting staff safety tips, see HCLA's website at
HCLA is working with the Louisiana Miss-issippi Hospice and Palliative Care Organization on a response to the incident, including education, a potential nationwide survey about home care worker safety, and raising funds for the victim, HCLA's Warren Hebert tells Eli.