Ready or not, you've got less than 45 days until 5010 implementation is mandatory. Effective Jan. 1, "all covered entities will be required to use the new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 5010 version for electronic filing," HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor NHIC reminds providers in a message. On that date, "electronic submitters who are not using version 5010 for HIPAA electronic transactions will have their claims rejected and they won't receive payment," the MAC warns. "The upcoming Version 5010 transition is not only mandatory, but is also an integral step toward a successful ICD-10 transition," HHH MAC CGS tells providers on its website. Do this: "It is essential to test both internally and externally with business partners prior to the Version 5010 deadline in order to assure that all trading partners are able to send and receive compliant transactions effectively, and in advance of the transition deadline," CGS instructs. "Take action now to ensure compliance and avoid problems with submitting claims for reimbursement after Sunday, January 1, 2012." If you haven't tested claims externally yet, you'd be wise to line up a billing clearinghouse and establish a line of credit to recover from potential cash flow disruptions, CGS suggests. "Providers should feel the pressure to get their systems ready for the version 5010 implementation," NHIC says. "Be proactive and start preparing for version 5010 today!"