Human Resources:
Boost Staff Morale With This Praise Tool
Published on Tue May 17, 2011
Also use one simple tip to turn around chronic complainers. Looking for ways to keep staff satisfied with their jobs and able to do their best for patients? Start by encouraging them to toot their own horns, which can get everyone working to a more upbeat tune, according to Diana Waugh of Waugh Consulting in Waterville, Ohio. To do that, Waugh uses the "Positive Incident Report," which asks care providers to describe what they did in the past week that made a helpful difference in a patient's life (see the form, p. 181). Waugh finds that when caregivers complete the form, "they don't say, 'I did a great job starting an IV.' It's more about how the nurse had a talk with Mrs. S about end of life care and Mrs. S seemed to feel better" as a result. Goal: The purpose of using the form is to teach people [...]