Human Resources:
5 Interviewing Secrets You Need To Know
Published on Sun Oct 10, 2010
Use these tips to determine whether an applicant's right for the job. Do you understand what it takes to be an effective interviewer? You may be surprised to learn that to conduct an effective interview, you'll need to throw out many accepted conventions. James Farr of the behavioral-science consulting firm Farr Associates Inc. in Greensboro, N.C., offers the following secrets to great interviewing skills in his article "Principles of Effective Interviewing": 1. Watch the candidate's reaction as she first walks through the door. Although the interview has not officially begun, write down what you observe when the candidate first enters your office or the interview room, Farr says. Consider the differences between a candidate who walks in and says, "I beg your pardon," and one who enters with an enthusiastic "Good morning!" 2. Don't rush to break the ice. Many interviewers make the mistake of trying to put the candidate [...]