Home Health & Hospice Week


HIPAA Security Rule Deadline Looms

Are you ready to face the HIPAA music next month?

The April 20 deadline for compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's security rule is weeks away - but few providers are up to the task.

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and Phoenix Health Systems sponsored a February survey that found 18 percent of health care providers who responded were compliant with the HIPAA security regulations.

That figure seems about right for the home care industry, judges attorney Robert Markette with Gilliland & Caudill in Indianapolis. As April 20 approaches, Markette expects to see that figure increase.

The biggest roadblocks: Overall integration of new systems, policies and procedures is the biggest challenge, with interpretation of HIPAA regulations and budget and time constraints following behind, the survey results said.

"To be ready in time, providers and payers should have completed their risk assessment and be well on their way towards implementing the necessary safeguards," said Joyce Sensmeier, director of professional services at Chicago-based HIMSS.

But many home care providers have been too overwhelmed with other responsibilities to have even started on HIPAA security compliance, maintains Gene Tischer with the trade association Associated Home Health Industries of Florida.

There's still time: Don't panic, Markette advises. You still have time to get in compliance if you start right away and hit the requirements full steam ahead. "It won't be easy, but you can do it," he encourages.

Even if you aren't in full compliance by April 20 on the dot, show that you have a specific plan to get in compliance, including a finish date, and are well on your way to completing it, Markette counsels. That can work greatly in your favor if you find yourself on the business end of a HIPAA enforcement action.