Home Health & Hospice Week



Don't rely only on the feds' offerings.

Suppliers scrambling to prepare for Medicare's new competitive bidding program can tap into a wealth of free information online.

In addition to the official bidding Web site of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (www.cms.hhs.gov/CompetitiveAcqforDMEPOS/) and resources offered by the agency's Competitive Bidding Imple-mentation Contractor (CBIC) at
www.dmecompetitivebid.com, suppliers should regularly check these Web-based resources:

VGM Group (
www.vgm.com). This site provides advice on how to find a subcontractor to meet your geographic or product needs and a printable checklist of how to get started.

Caveat: Some Web site features are available only to members of the organization.

Invacare Corp. (
www.invacare.com). The Elyria, OH-based home medical equipment giant has launched its own competitive bidding Web site, featuring educational materials and news updates.

Don't miss: The CBIC Web site now features an instructive Web cast about competitive bidding basics.

Tune in: And you can sign up for an Eli-sponsored audioconference presented by attorney Jeffrey Baird of Brown & Fortunato. The conference, "Update: New Final Rule on Competitive Bidding," is June 14 at 1:00 pm ET.

Call 1-800-874-9180 for more information.