Check out upcoming Eli audioconferences on OASIS C and wounds, OASIS tips for therapists, hospice physician billing, troubleshooting your hospice volunteer program, and compliance. You can receive vital information on these topics from the comfort of your own office: • OASIS C and the Healing Status of Wounds. Tues. May 24, 1 p.m. ET. Without understanding OASIS wound healing status items, HHAs can lose hundreds of dollars in the episode rate. Join OASIS expert Judy Adams to get a clear description of the guidelines for scoring the healing status of pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers and surgical wounds. For more information, go to or call 1-866-458-2965. • OASIS Tips For Home Health Therapists. Tues. June 7, 11 a.m. ET. Regardless of whether therapists complete the OASIS at start of care, they need to know key points about the data set for collection at other time points, and to better [...]