Many items renumbered.
In its new OASIS-C2 tool released Dec. 22, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services changes the lookback period and item number in five items: M1500, M1510, M2015, M2300, and M2400. Current items use a lookback period specified as “at the time of or at any time since the last OASIS assessment” (emphasis added). The new items 1501, 1511, 2016, 2301, and 2401 will use “at the time of or at any time since the most recent SOC/ROC assessment.”
This is a topic addressed in CMS’s OASIS questions-and-answers, noted Cindy Krafft of Kornetti & Krafft Health Care Solutions in a podcast posted Dec. 28, “OASIS-C2 — Overview of Key Changes.”
Look For These Format Changes
And CMS made “formatting changes … throughout the document to convert multiple check boxes to a single box for data entry, where responses are mutually-exclusive, and to change the numbering for pressure ulcer staging from Roman to Arabic numerals,” the agency explains. Some examples include: