HHAs continue to mess up point of origin codes on their claims, and the results are returned claims -- and delayed reimbursement. Old way: Remember, former "source of admission" codes B, C, and 7 are invalid for claims dated July 1 or later, regional home health intermediary Cahaba GBA says on its website. New way: Agencies must use point of origin code "1" on all claims in Form Locator 15 on the UB-04 form, explains the National Association for Home Care & Hospice. That's because the new codes describe where the patients are, not where the patients' referrals came from. The code "for all home health patients will always be '1 - Non-Health Care Facility Point of Origin' because home health patients will always be in their homes at the time of arrival of home health care providers," NAHC explained to its members earlier this year. More tips for avoiding and correcting this top claim error are at www.cahabagba.com/rhhi/claims/errors_11801.htm.