Home Health & Hospice Week


Keep Up With These 9 Quality Measures

Review the measures contributing to the other star rating.

New Patient Survey measures may be grabbing home health agencies’ attention in the latest Home Health Compare update, but you shouldn’t let up on your efforts to focus on and improve the measures that make up your Quality of Patient Care star rating:

Process Measures:

1. Timely Initiation of Care

2. Drug Education on all Medications Provided to Patient/Caregiver

3. Influenza Immunization Received for Current Flu Season Outcome measures:

4. Improvement in Ambulation

5. Improvement in Bed Transferring

6. Improvement in Bathing

7. Improvement in Pain Interfering With Activity

8. Improvement in Shortness of Breath

9. Acute Care Hospitalization

Note: More information is at www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HomeHealthQualityInits/HHQIHomeHealthStarRatings.html.

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