Home Health & Hospice Week


Know This Timeline Exception

Medicare will give you some breathing room for quality improvement.

Medicare did relent on one small area for the July 2017 Conditions of Participation deadline: the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement requirement.

“A phased-in implementation time frame is appropriate for the requirement that [home health agencies] must conduct performance improvement projects because it will take additional time to collect the data necessary to identify areas ... that are appropriate for performance improvement,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says in the CoPs final rule scheduled for publication in the Jan. 13 Federal Register. “We have added a phase-in to allow HHAs the time necessary to collect data prior to implementing performance improvement projects.”

Under the revised timeline, HHAs will receive “a full 12 month time period between the time that this final rule is published and the time that HHAs must begin conducting performance improvement projects,” CMS says — in other words, January 2018.

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