RACs Drop Audit Bomb On HHAs
Published on Fri Feb 17, 2012
High therapy, multiple recerts top RAC's hit list. After a lengthy delay, Medicare's bounty hunters have set their sights on home health agency services. Region C Recovery Audit Contractor Con-nolly Healthcare has posted one Centers for Medi-care & Medicaid Services-approved HHA topic for review. And Region A RAC Diversified Collection Services appears to be investigating three HHA topics for CMS approval, reports the National Asso-ciation for Home Care & Hospice. Background: RACs have a financial incentive to deny providers' Medicare claims because they receive a percentage of the recoveries on a contingency fee. (For RAC territories and fees, see box this page) However, they also receive the contingency fee on any underpayments they return to pro-viders, CMS noted in a report to Congress last year (see Eli's HCW, Vol. XX, No. 36, p. 284). According to the RACs' 2012 Statement of Work, RACs can request 10 medical records for its [...]