Home Health & Hospice Week



Outliers, therapy to attract punishing audits first, experts predict. If you're ducking your head, hoping Recovery Audit Contractor reviews will pass you by, you're courting audits that could be severe enough to close your doors for good. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has said RACs are currently reviewing home care data and will commence audits of home care providers by early fall, notes William Dombi with the National Association for Home Care & Hospice.At this point it's unclear exactly how many home care audits will take place, "but it's not none," Dombi tells Eli. "I cannot help but think it will be bad," financial consultant Bobby Dusek says of RACs' impact. "Any time that a contractor is reimbursed a percentage of the claims denials they find, and it is the only way they are reimbursed, there is a built-in incentive to find claims to deny," worries Abilene, Texas-based [...]
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