Ramp Up On These Major OASIS-D Additions, Revisions
Published on Fri Nov 02, 2018
The changes included in OASIS-D are:
- a significantly expanded GG0170 (Mobility) item;
- three new GG items, GG0100 (Prior Functioning: Everyday Activities) converting over from the current M1900: Prior Function; GG0110 (Prior Device Use); and GG0130 Self-Care;
- two added items in Section J: Health Conditions, J1800 (Any Falls Since SOC/ROC, whichever is more recent) and J1900 (Number of Falls since SOC/ROC, whichever is more recent);
- the deletion of 28 items.
Note: Access the OASIS-D draft form, a change table, and more via a ZIP file at