Home medical equipment suppliers will soon learn more about what the New Year holds for the industry.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Dec. 11 a special Open Door Forum that will bring long-awaited news to suppliers: the drop-dead date for securing accreditation. CMS plans to announce deadlines for accreditation for all DMEPOS suppliers; accreditation for new DMEPOS suppliers; and application for an accreditation grace period.
Be there: CMS will hold the "conference call only" forum Dec. 19 from 2:00--3:30 p.m. ET. To participate, call 1-800-837-1935 and reference conference ID number 27829970.
The agency will conduct the forum as an adjunct to a meeting of the DMEPOS competitive bidding Program Advisory and Oversight Committee. Anyone interested in attending the PAOC meeting must register in advance, CMS instructs. For more information about PAOC, go to the CMS Web site at www.cms.hhs.gov/CompetitiveAcqforDMEPOS/PAOCMI/list.asp.
Listen in: CMS will post an audio recording of the forum at www.cms.hhs.gov/OpenDoorForums/05_ODF_SpecialODF.asp. The recording will be available for download beginning Dec. 27.