Read the situation below and decide how you would handle it before you compare it to our expert's advice.
Question: We completed general security training for our facility and would now like to tackle more specific training. What advice can you offer on getting this done efficiently?
Answer: Job-specific training doesn't have to be time consuming, assures Betty Bundul, director of HIPAA Security at Allina Hospitals & Clinics in Minneapolis.
A 'trainer' from each department should read the materials and then coach each staffer on what changes must be made, she says.
Another way: After each training session, ask staffers to discuss how they would apply the security rule to their work areas. Add their ideas to the general organization-wide policy to make it more specific.
The Bottom Line: It's never too late to train your staff on how the security rule affects their jobs, Bundul claims. Remember: Be sure to keep a record of all your training activities, including secondary coaching sessions that take place after general training, she notes.