See proposed response-time updates.
Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a policy proposal focused on updating various parts of the HIPAA Privacy Rule — including adjustments to patients’ access to their protected health information (PHI).
Context: On Dec. 10, 2020, HHS issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that centers on aligning HIPAA with patient-centered, value-based care. The NPRM addresses previous proposals outlined under HHS’ Regulatory Sprint to Coordinated Care agenda. According to the notice, “the Department, which delegated the authority to administer HIPAA privacy standards to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), developed many of the proposals contained in this NPRM after careful consideration of public input received in response to the Department’s December 2018 Request for Information on Modifying HIPAA Rules to Improve Coordinated Care (2018 RFI).”
“Our proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule will break down barriers that have stood in the way of commonsense care coordination and value-based arrangements for far too long,” maintains HHS Secretary Alex Azar in a release. “As part of our broader efforts to reform regulations that impede care coordination, these proposed reforms will reduce burdens on providers and empower patients and their families to secure better health.”
Among the agency’s top proposals are several that highlight the importance of patients’ rights to be part of their health journeys and expand on Right of Access policies. Take a look at the following NPRM proposals that address Right of Access:
Stay tuned: HHS does not offer a publication date but will accept public comments for 60 days on the NPRM in the Federal Register. Health Information Compliance Alert will delve into other proposals in future issues.
Resources: Read the notice at and review the HHS release at