Health Information Compliance Alert

Industry Note:

CMS Reveals New Patients Over Paperwork Update

After months with little communication on the flagship initiative to reduce administrative burdens in healthcare, Medicare finally released a new Patients Over Paperwork newsletter.

The latest issuance is chock full of details on what the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been doing to cut down providers’ paperwork, including improving telehealth services in rural medicine and promoting interoperability across its various proposals and rules while boosting technology and innovation throughout its initiatives.

The release covers these hot topics:

  • Rural health administrative reductions.
  • Second anniversary of Patients Over Paperwork celebrations.
  • Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) updates.
  • Documentation simplification for immunosup­pressive drugs and home health.
  • A short overview of eight CMS rules that cut paperwork.

See the newsletter at

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