CMS wants your input on how the Promoting Interoperability (PI) program should proceed.
Remember: Last year, CMS rebranded Meaningful Use (MU) for eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) to the PI program, which is similar but different than the Quality Payment Program (QPP) technical component, PI.
Now: The agency is reaching out to stakeholders for ideas to better enhance the patient experience and improve care by Medicare providers. “The Annual Call for Measures process allows eligible hospitals and CAHs, professional associations, medical societies, and other stakeholders, such as researchers and consumer groups, to identify and submit measures,” states a CMS fact sheet.
CMS is looking for efficient and effective recommendations and comments on “priority areas” such as:
Deadline: CMS will accept measures’ suggestions through June 28, 2019.
Read more about the CMS request and submit measures at