Worried about your security rule compliance? Here's a list of the security-related audioconferences and seminars taking place in April.
April 6 in Amherst, NY: "Advancing HIT: A Summit For Health Care Stakeholders" (UNYPHIED, WEDI)www.wedi.org/public/articles/dis_viewArticle.cfm?ID=311.
April 6 - 8 in Baltimore: "Tenth National HIPAA Summit" (HIPAA Summit) www.hipaasummit.com.
April 12 (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST): "Seven Days and Counting: Where Are You With HIPAA Security Compliance?" (Audiocon-ference; WEDI) www.wedi.org/public/articles/dis_viewArticle.cfm?ID=315.
April 13 (2:00 PM EST): "National HIPAA Security Roundtable" (CMS) Call in using (877) 203-0044 and ID number 4587639.
April 14 (1:00 PM EST): "Top HIPAA Security Pitfalls and Secrets for Avoiding Them" (Audioconference; The Coding Institute) http://codinginstitute.com/conference/conference.cgi?detail=253.
April 17 - 20 in New Orleans: "2005 Compliance Institute" (Health Care Comp-liance Association) www.hcca-info.org/eseries/StaticContent/05CImailerWEB.pdf.
April 25 - 28 in Chicago: "4-Day HIPAA Security Training" (HIPAAAcademy.net) www.hipaaacademy.net/hipaatraining/training_schedules.html.
Coming In May
May 23 - 26 in Baltimore: "14th Annual WEDI National Conference" (WEDI) www.wedi.org/public/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=event&id=856.
May 25 in Chicago: "Turning Theory into Practice: The Next Steps for e-HIM" (AHIMA) www.ahima.org/infocenter/ehim/ehimmeetinghome.cfm.