Don't let your patients think that their privacy complaints have fallen into a black-hole once they've been submitted to your organization. Have a look at these sample response letters crafted by the American Medical Association:
Sample Response Letter 1 -- Generic Response
This is an example of a generic letter that could be used to acknowledge those complaints that are made butdo not otherwise result in a finding by your organization that any violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the organization's policies and procedures has occurred or where the organization has decided not to take any further action:
Dear :___________________________
Thank you for bringing to our attention your concerns regarding _______________ . Maintaining the privacy of health information is very important to us, and we appreciate the information you have provided. We will review your concerns and will take any necessary steps as part of our ongoing privacy compliance and improvement program. Again, thank you for your time and concern. If you have further questions about this matter, please contact______________at _____________.
Sample Response Letter 2 -- Specific Response
This is an example of a letter that could be used to both acknowledge a complaint and explain any steps taken by your organization in response to the complaint.
Dear :_______________________________
Thank you for bringing to our attention your concerns regarding. Maintaining the privacy of health information is very important to us, and we appreciate the information you have provided. We have reviewed your concerns and [will take/have taken] the following steps to address this issue: ____
Again, thank you for your time and concern. If you have further questions about this matter, please contact _______________ at ___________________________.
(Source: HIPAA Policies & Procedures Desk Reference, copyright 2003, American MedicalAssociation.)