Health Information Compliance Alert

Compliance Tool:

Guidelines for Using Fax Machines

Take these 9 steps to protect patient health information when faxing

1) Use a fax cover sheet that includes a Confidentiality Statement.

2) Try to limit the faxing of PHI to urgent situations, when use of routine mail is not feasible.

3) Fax only the minimum necessary information needed to treat the patient, or to process the payment.

4) For your area receiving frequent faxes, designate a person to collect the faxes from the machine frequently.

5) Deposit faxes in a secure confidential place when received, not in an open inbox where anyone can see them.

6) Verify the fax number and location where you are faxing, and know who is going to receive it.

7) Train your employees and volunteers on the importance of confidentiality when sending and receiving faxed documents.

8) Program your fax machine, if possible, so that faxes arrive face down, and not lying face up with PHI exposed.

9) Locate your fax machine in a secure area that can be locked after hours.

Source: Reprinted with permission of Barb Cluster, Compliance Auditor - Greene Memorial Hospital, Inc. in Xenia, OH. For more HIPAA tips and guidelines, go to, or contact Barb Cluster at