Check your state’s provisions to make sure you’re up-to-date.
If your state’s laws regarding privacy are more stringent than those under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, following the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) guidance will do your facility more harm than good. And even though it may seem like an extra step in compliance planning, it is essential for you to review and integrate your state’s requirements into your protocols on protecting and securing patients’ protected health information (PHI).
“Luckily, a good job with HIPAA compliance can provide a good framework for compliance with all of the state laws an entity could be subject to,” says Jim Sheldon-Dean, founder and director of compliance services for Lewis Creek Systems, LLC in Charlotte, Vermont.
Put these five extra steps in your plan to ensure you're compliant with state regulations:
It’s better to be safe than sorry and cover all your bases in regard to your state’s laws. “Many of these rules call for the same precautions, safeguards, and procedures, and it’s better to make your existing privacy documents more robust instead of creating parallel policies and procedures for each rule or law,” Sheldon-Dean explains.