You Be the Coder:
What's the Code for Lap Catheter Placement?
Published on Mon Jan 09, 2006
Question: How can we report placement of a laparoscopic Tenckhoff dialysis catheter?
Oregon Subscriber
Answer: Unfortunately, you won't find a code for laparoscopic catheter placement of this type--at least in part because this is an unusual method to place such a catheter. Therefore, you-ll have to go with unlisted- procedure code 49329 (Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum and omentum).
Filing unlisted-procedure codes always means a bit more work for the coder: You-ll have to include documentation describing the procedure so that the insurer can make a payment determination. One effective method is to compare the procedure you are billing to another procedure that requires similar effort, resources, and the like.
Remember: You should compare an unlisted procedure to a listed procedure, but you should never report a listed code because you think it's -close enough- to the procedure you want to report.
For instance, if the surgeon were to place the catheter by open (rather than laparoscopic) method, you would report either 49420 (Insertion of intraperitoneal cannula or catheter for drainage or dialysis; temporary) or 49421 (-permanent). When reporting 49329, you can explain that the surgeon performed the same procedure described by 49420 (or 49421), but by less-invasive laparoscopic method.