General Surgery Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Wide Excision Leads to Various Codes

Question: What is the appropriate code for a procedure that the surgeon describes as "wide excision of the skin, subcutaneous tissues and some fascia of abdominal wall measuring 20 cm x 10 cm."? Tennessee SubscriberAnswer: The procedure description you've given doesn't provide enough information to assign a definitive code. You'll need to look for other clues in the documentation, such as whether this is a reexcision of a malignant lesion or an excision/resection of a soft tissue tumor. That said, look at the following coding possibilities:Option 1: For a soft tissue tumor you might use 22903 (Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subcutaneous; 3 cm. or greater) or 22905 (Radical resection of tumor [e.g., malignant neoplasm], soft tissue of abdominal wall; 5 cm or greater), depending on the diagnosis.Option 2: For a wide reexcision of a malignant lesion or melanoma, you should report 11606 (Excision, malignant lesion including margins, [...]
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General Surgery Coding Alert

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