Reader Question:
'Buckle' Equals Lap Band Revision
Published on Tue Dec 18, 2012
Question: Our surgeons perform Gastric Lap Band for obesity. Lately we have had a couple of procedures where the only purpose is to either "unbuckle" the band or to "buckle" the band related to pouch dilation. These are done laparoscopically. I am at a loss on how to code this -- is it a lap-band adjustment? Mississippi Subscriber Answer: The procedure you describe s not a lap-band adjustment, which involves loosening or tightening the gastric band via a needle in a port. Instead, the procedure you describe involves a newer lap-band product that allows the surgeon to "unbuckle" the band in the event of repeat problems with pouch dilation. After releasing the band for a period of time, the surgeon can than "buckle" the band back. The best code to report this service is 43771 (Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; revision of gastric restrictive device, component only). You would report the [...]