General Surgery Coding Alert

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Experts Lament CMS's Virtual Colonoscopy Coverage Decision

Youll now have to turn to ABNs to see payment on these procedures. If you were crossing your fingers, hoping that CMS would not change its policy on paying for virtual colonoscopies, youll be disappointed. On May 13, CMS issued a decision memorandum indicating that it will not cover screening computed tomography colonographies, which are better known as virtual colonoscopies (VCs). Find out if youll be able to capture payment when your general surgeon uses the latest technology to perform colonoscopies. Dont Expect Medicare Payment on 0066T, 0067T Old way: Some Medicare carriers, such as Palmetto GBA, have previously accepted category III (temporary) codes 0066T (Computed tomographic [CT] colonography [i.e., virtual colonoscopy]; screening) or 0067T (...diagnostic), as appropriate, and payable, coding options for VCs. Even then, however, you had to document a failed instrument colonoscopy to expect reimbursement for virtual colonoscopy claims. The Medicare national coverage determination (NCD), described in [...]
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