General Surgery Coding Alert

Medicare Re-Enrollment:

Update Your Revalidation Plan With New CMS Instruction

Kinder, gentler process forestalls 'revocation.' Don't lose your ability to provide Medicare services by missing the boat on re-enrollment. Read on to see what you should do for your general surgery practice when that revalidation notice comes in the mail. Good news: CMS has made improvements to the re-enrollment process, according to an Oct. 10 CMS National Provider Call with the agency's Provider Enrollment Operations Group. Bad news: "Revalidation is here to stay," said CMS's Mark Majestic during the call. "DME [durable medical equipment] suppliers will revalidate every three years and all other providers and suppliers will revalidate every five years," he added. Background: The Affordable Care Act mandated the revalidation project to prevent fraud, and requires all 1.5 million providers and suppliers enrolled in Medicare to revalidate their enrollment prior to March 25, 2015. If you haven't received your revalidation request yet, you can expect it in the mail [...]
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