General Surgery Coding Alert

Go Beyond the Obvious When Coding Colon Resection With Fistula Closure

You risk losing out on your rightful reimbursement if you limit yourself to CPT's partial colectomy codes when none of them apply, especially for colon resections that include other procedures. When surgeons resect a patient's colon, the procedure is typically billed as a partial colectomy. Depending on the circumstances, the remaining colon sections may not be anastomosed (reattached). Instead, the surgeon creates a colostomy and, in some cases, closes the colon's distal segment by performing a Hartmann-type procedure.

CPT has a variety of partial colectomy codes that include several additional procedures, such as anastomosis, colostomy creation, Hartmann-type distal end closure, and removal of terminal ileum. In some cases, none of these codes apply, although many coders may inadvertently choose them because they automatically look to CPT's partial colectomy section when a colon is resected. A Case Study According to the following procedure notes, the surgeon removed a fistula connecting the bladder and the colon, resected part of the colon and created a temporary colostomy, says M. Trayser Dunaway, MD, a general surgeon in private practice in Camden, S.C. The physician refers to a Hartmann procedure (to close the remaining distal colon) at the beginning of the operative report but does not describe it in the procedure notes:

Pre- and post-op diagnosis: vesicocolonic fistula secondary to acute diverticulitis. A urologist inserted a urethral catheter The abdominal cavity was entered through a previous incision. Massive adhesions from previous surgery were found so lysis of adhesions was performed. Then the pelvic area was reached; it was friable and easily bleeding. The upper sigmoid seemed to be attached firmly to the bladder with an inflammatory process.

""The proximal sigmoid descending colon was divided then the rest of the inflamed colon was followed down in the pelvis. A portion of healthy rectum was found and the large bowel was transected above the peritoneal reflection.

""Then the inflamed colon was detached from bladder the opening which was closed in two layers. The abdominal cavity then was irrigated with copious amounts of normal saline all bleeding was controlled the descending colon was brought in to the left lower portion and a temporary colostomy was performed through a button-hole incision in the skin that split the muscle."" Don't Trust Your Instincts Because the colon was resected many coders may wish to report 44141 (Colectomy partial; with skin level cecostomy or colostomy) or 44143 ( with end colostomy and closure of distal segment [Hartmann type procedure]). But neither code is correct because they do not accurately describe the bladder repair or the fistula removal. Note: You should not report 44143 in any event because [...]
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