National Technical Information Services (NTIS) has released version 8.2 of the national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI), which lists over 17,000 code-pair additions (new edits) and 3,700 code-pair deletions. The third-quarter revision for 2002 takes effect July 1 and contains relatively minor changes aimed at general surgery, thus allowing surgeons and their coders to breathe easy this quarter. What's New? More significantly, endovascular repair codes 34800-34804 now bundle aortography, 75625 and 75630. Also, predictably, a number of procedures newly bundle use of microsurgical techniques (69990), including 35647, 36002, 36820, 43313, 43314, 44126, 44127, 44204, 44205, 45136, 46020, 47370, 47371, 47380, 47381, 49491 and 49492. This continues the trend whereby use of the operating microscope is separately reportable for fewer and fewer procedures. Enterectomy/enteroenterostomy codes 44120 and 44125-44130 now include 50715 ( Note: Additional codes to bundle 50715 now include 44602, 44604, 44660, 49200 and 49201. Code 44204 now includes its parent code, 44200 ( Comprehensive code 45126 ( Few Deletions to Consider Relevant deletions in version 8.2 of the CCI are even fewer than additions: The edits classifying 36870 ( Excision codes 19100-19125 and mastectomy codes 19140-19240 no longer bundle 88170 and 88171, which previously described cytopathology and were deleted from CPT in 2002.
For example, codes 49200 and 49201 for excision or destruction of intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal tumors or cysts now include as mutually exclusive 47380 (Ablation, open, of one or more liver tumor[s]; radiofrequency) and 47381 ( cryosurgical).
And hernia repair codes 49505-49525 are deemed exclusive of every other hernia repair code in the range 49491-49521. Therefore, 49505 excludes 49491, 49492, 49495, 49496, 49500, 49501, 49507, 49520 and 49521. Similarly, 49507 excludes 49491, 49492, 49495, 49496, 49500, 49501, 49505, 49520 and 49521. The same pattern applies for 49520, 49521 and 49525.
Additions to the comprehensive/component code edits (also called "correct coding" edits) occur across a wider range of applicable codes. In many cases the edits bundle (i.e., include as not separately reportable) anesthesia procedures to surgical procedures for instance, anesthesia codes 00400 and 01995 are bundled to virtually all debridement and excision codes in the 11040-11626 range. But because the general surgeon would not report anesthesia codes in any event, these edits are of little interest.